Stage 3 Application was submitted on the 21.6.2014 and has been accepted: 2.7.2014. This covers the remaining part of the main building, i.e. three first floor rooms, the basement and the attic. I hope to upload the application onto this site in the next few days. Nothing very dramatic in this application, so hopefully it will go through by the deadline of 26.8.2014 without too much drama.
Update on Stage 1 Application: the drains are now in and passed by Building control together with the outside toilet for the workmen. Not very edifying but practical.
Update on Stage 2 Application (ground floor and two upstairs rooms). Various further information and additional conditions were imposed which are being replied to, as we speak. Building Control notified and find the scheme “interesting”. Hopefully co-operation there …. The “squint” windows discovered by the consultant Archaeologist, Dr. Ian Brooks (see the 2014 Report: on the front of the building), during the stripping and re-plastering of the front elevation) now form part of the Stage 3 Application. I was not able to leave them exposed at the time of discovery, but had to close them and put in a planning application to re-open them, hence their appearance in Stage 3 Application.
Other developments:
The consultant Archaeologist Dr. Ian Brooks has produced another Report 2014/07 – this time on what turned up while the drains were being dug. There were, apparently, stairs from the outside of the building down into the cellar prior to the 19th century rear extension being built, when they were blocked off. There was also a cobble and brick floor under the outside toilet and a massive stone block with a tethering ring close to the main house. Again, I hope to upload that report shortly. I have been very lucky to have such an accomplished consultant, who is also so “inclusive”. At no point have I ever been made to feel irrelevant or in the way.