COMPLAINT 16  (Yes .. sixteen!!!)

Now, the solutions to earlier complaints would assist the general body of Applicants – No.16 is totally personal.

My application Stage 5 (mark 2) contained the unequivocal statements:-

Financial Viability Statement: “Grants NIL”

Design & Access Statement: ” I am not receiving any grants of any kind for this project ….. I was offered (and refused) a grant from the Council of £10,000 …”

With the papers for the Stage 5 (mark 2) Planning Committee Hearing, the Planning Department then circulated the Councillors (and put on line) the following statement:-

“….. a grant has been provided to the applicant to assist with the works”.

Duhh !

It beggars belief.  Was it deliberate?  Was it gross incompetence?  Was it “I trust my mates – they told me to do it” (how adolescent would that be!).

Alarm bells must surely have rung out louder than St. Mary’s with such a flat contradiction.  A telephone call to the Finance Dept. would have sorted it.

The officer who wrote the circulated report has been named, and an apology from the head of department received.

However, my attempts to find out “why” it was written and “who” fed that officer the untrue information (apparently verbally) has not been answered …. through 2 levels of the complaints procedure.

I feel it is essential to go, as we say in Welsh, to  “llygad y ffynnon”  (the eye of the fountain).  Who was ultimately responsible for disseminating this untrue, and potentially personally damaging, statement?

Onwards to Level 3 of the complaints procedure on 6.3.2014.

Click on letter to maximise11 Complaint 16