Credit where credit is due ….. the Registration Team at the council HAVE registered Stage 5 (mark 2) planning application. They have not given in to possible colleague pressure (see News & Comments 16.11.2013). Very professional …. I am well impressed.

To access the application, go to “Planning Applications” then Stage 5 (mark 2) link. The more interesting bits are

1. Financial Viability Statement
2. Design, Access & Justification Statement (boring bits in grey type).
3. Iron Butterfly Designs’ perspectives (Numbers 9 & 10).

Any representations to the council on this application should be sent pretty much straight away to:

e-mail :

post : Planning Dept., Conwy Council, Civic Offices, Colwyn Bay LL29 8AR

PLEASE quote references: 0/40314 AND 0/40315