An update:
On the 11.11.13 I took the planning application Stage 5 (mark 2) in to the Council offices. It was acknowledged by the Registration team on the 12.11.13 who said that it was in process of being vetted. This usually takes between 3-5 days from delivery.
On the 13.11.13 I received a telephone call from a council officer (not part of the Registration team) and was asked to withdraw the application. I refused. The response was that the application would be returned to the Registration team WHO MAY FIND TECHNICAL REASONS FOR NOT REGISTERING IT ….
Oh, wow!
I then asked (under the Freedom of Information procedures) for a copy of the recorded telephone call and was told that they did not keep records of their telephone conversations.
If the public telephone council officers their telephone calls may be recorded, but apparently, if council officers telephone the public the calls are NOT recorded. Hmm …..
As Stage 5 (mark 1) met all the technical requirements for registration and was registered, and Stage 5 (mark 2) has faithfully copied those technical requirements, it will be interesting to see the Registration team’s response on Monday.
Watch this space …. !!