Having become rather used to discouragement, it was amazing today to go into the National Trust property at Aberconwy House in Conwy to ask, rather hesitantly, if they would be prepared to display this website address so that local people (and indeed tourists) could get up to date information about No.11. …. well, what a welcome … the lady in the shop was just so positive and … well … nice !!! I was so taken aback that I forgot to ask her name, but I really want to thank her for taking the information and displaying it … all with such friendliness and support for what I am trying to do.
Which brings me to the update on the front repairs.
The dangerous chimney has been taken down, rebuilt and is in the process of being painted. The front and side have been lime pointed, coated with a lime slurry and next week (hopefully – if dry) will be lime washed. The windows, bargeboards, security boards are being painted and the next in line will be the vehicle passageway doors. The cast iron guttering and down pipes are being painted, and the temporary plastic ones will be removed as soon as the cast iron ones are dry and can be fixed. Hopefully, the scaffolding will be down by the end of next week.
If only I could start on the rainwater goods and repairs to the back of the building … but I cannot, because of a perverse ruling by the planners. If I ever hear anyone criticising owners for not maintaining buildings again, he/she will get an earful of how frustrating it is trying to save a building in the face of opposition from the planners, conservation bodies etc .
But, there is a glimmer of hope … the local Councillor (Cllr. Sara Allardice) came to see the property today, talked to me, and has actually listened to my side of the story. I am so used to officials excluding me and talking to each other behind my back that this was so refreshing.
Maybe the above uncharacteristic whinging has something to do with the time I spent today at the dentist !! I should be back to my resilient self tomorrow, and ready to take on the council again.